Info welcome info orga & crew contact rules going to the party ticket info buying a ticket guestlist guestlist light seats how to get here at the party concept compos timetable network after the party download goodbye thanks and now what? Misc database login/register |
Thanks! We wish to express our thanks to the following. Without these the party wouldn't have been possible. pseudohacker - hosting services Tekniska Högskolans Studentkår - housing and a nice price for housing Programgruppen - for supporting our event at KTH KTH and Stacken - Internet connection and support Radionämnden - a very nice price for rental of videoprojector and powercables - for letting us syndicate with SceneID Orange Juice , CSDb and C64 Portal - for great pages to advertise on Floppy , Microdisko and Breakpoint - for tolerating that we handed out flyers at these events Psilodump from X-Dump - for a great gig wix - a whole bunch of hardware Birdie - a hard-to-come-by-powercable backslash - for some powercables Fairlight, Crazy Q, Dane and radiantx - for their help with the compos |