deadline console
comporules version 1
These rules may be changed (although we will do our best not to)
If any compo gets so many entries, that at least three of the entries are the
same platform and there is at least three entries that is not, the compo will
split into a regular compo and a platform-specific one (LCP Style). That means
that if three musicians make a song each there will be a musiccompo but if all
of them also make a NES-track each there will be a musiccompo AND a
NES-musiccompo. This however "only" applies to demo, music and graphics.
ALL ENTRIES (except Wild) must be played on real hardware, no emulator.
Ever! If you do not have the hardware yourself, find a friend who does,
if you do not have friends, double-check what hardware might be available as
Compo Machines and pray that the origanizers feel like bringing them.
To compete you must have paid entrance.
Not much to say here, make a demo! We understand that it is hard to get the
dev-hardware so we won't be picky about modchips, etc. Do your very best to
bring your own hardware!
Tracked/programmed music for limited consoles please and not typical
PC/Amiga-files that just plays on a console (like a module on GBA, an MP3 on
GP32, a studiocreated song as wavetrack on a Dreamcast CD, etc).
Lo-res (or tilebased masochism) for limited consoles please, Hi-res pictures
for GBA, GameCube, XBOX and so on will not be accepted.
Homemade Game
The game cannot be dependent of an OS, (like a game for gc-linux), it must run
natively on the machine (with the help of dev-hardware of course). Also note
that this game will be released as Public Domain.
The entry must be either consolerelated (like a mario ripoff/tribute) or
deadlinerelated (partymovie, pictures of people, deadlineculture). Note that
this compo is a great opportunity to release your XM-remix of the Metroid
Soundtrack or hi-res handdrawn of Samus Aran. Console- and/or deadlinerelated,
you figure it out and be creative!