Illuminati & friends bring you... deadline reloaded |
Information welcome good bye info rules contact how to get here Tickets ticket info ticket payment guestlist seats Event compos timetable voting Misc download thanks |
Rules * This is not a gamingevent or a lanparty! We reserve ourselves the right to make the life hard for the person who brings a PC and starts playing a typical FPS-game, or anything in the same spirit. We do not dislike gamers, we just want to stress that gamers are counterproductive at this party. * This is not a kiddiefest or hackermeeting! We reserve ourselves the right to make the life hard for the person who typically brings a laptop, trashes the network or even tries to portscan anyone. People who condone in such activities may be creative but not productive in line with the goal of deadline reloaded, namely the compos and demos. * Intoxicated people may be asked to leave until they sober up. * Annoying intoxicated people may be asked to leave the party. * Smoking is only allowed outside the party. * All political, racist and religious activities are forbidden. * If you get thrown out your ticket is NOT refunded. Remember, Swedish laws apply at deadline reloaded too! People who do not comply to the rules or any other directions given by the organizers will be thrown out so frikkin hard that it is unbelivable. |
News 20031206 comporules are out. 20031201 you can now book a seat. 20031111 the database is up. 20031024 deadline reloaded is official. |